Thursday, September 16, 2010

Celebrities on Galvanic Spa

Well it seems that NU Skin the company behind ageLOC, is not only a product in everyday household but also a product used by Hollywood stars as well. Here are some celebrities who are using NU Skin's galvanic spa.

Monday, September 6, 2010

How the Galvanic Spa Works

We've been talking about the Galvanic Spa and how it works, but now its time to see it in action, how it really works. The Galvanic Spa is an essential tool to deliver the power of ageLOC into your skin making you young once again.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Galvanic Spa 2: What it can do?

Smooth the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, rejuvenate your complexion, revitalize your scalp, and renovate your body with the patented ageLOC Galvanic Spa System II. This new System features a larger, brighter display, intuitive usability, and enhanced ergonomics. Results are so remarkable, your radiant, youthful face and body will leave people wondering about your age and your secret. link

The NUSkin Galvanic Spa 2 is a device to enhance the delivery of anti-aging ingredients into the skin, combined with the new ageLOC technology, and other NUSkin products, the galvanic spa delivers instant to long-lasting effects.

The following products are used with the Galvanic Spa:

  • Galvanic Spa® Facial Gels with ageLOC:  These gels help clean and deliver essential nutrients to your skin, combined with ageLOC, these gels help revitalize, rejuvenate stressed skin and make your skin young again.
  • Tru Face® Line Corrector: Reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles with this product. When used with the galvanic spa results are better and faster than used alone.
  • Galvanic Spa® Body Shaping Gel: This gel concentrates cellular energy to target pockets of fat and toxins for a more toned, firm appearance. Featuring proven ingredients, theobromine and golden chamomile, this advanced treatment helps decrease fat storage and activate fat breakdown, promoting a firmer, more toned appearance.
  • Nutriol® Hair Fitness Treatment: This advanced formula works with the Scalp Conductor to help hair look and feel more abundant.

Friday, August 20, 2010

8 Ways To Measure Health

Being young or becoming young won't really mean much, if we do not have the health to enjoy it with. Though ageloc is the technology that will make you young, it isn't a magic formula to make us immune to disease or other health disorders. Are you healthy enough to enjoy the life you want? 

Here is a list of 8 ways to measure health:  
  • BMI (Body Mass Index): This measurement is basically the ratio of your height against your weight, it gives you a basic overview of your health if you fall under the healthy weight range, based on your height.
  • LBM (Lean Body Mass): A more accurate measurement than BMI, this is the measurement of lean tissue and body fat, through this you know if your weight is because of lean tissue of just fat.
  • Weight: Something we all know of, and may even have different perceptions about. But a quick look, may give us a hint if we need to eat more, or exercise more.
  • Waist-to-Height Ration: "The Waist-to-Height ratio is determined by dividing your waist circumference by your height. Waist-to-Height ratios of 0.5 or greater are indicative of intra-abdominal fat for both men and women and are associated with a greater risk of cardiovascular disease."
  • How your clothes fit: Although, this isn't really much of a measurement but how your clothes fit would tell you about how your body is developing, either in gaining or losing weight.
  • How you feel: Generally speaking health is all about how you feel, if you feel good then you most likely are healthy, otherwise, why would you feel good? Health may not all be about the condition of your physical body but it may also include things like stress, worry, anxiety and other things that contribute to how you would feel.
  • How you look: "Do you look fit?  Do you look healthy?  Do you have healthy proportions to your body?  If you think you look good, you probably are healthy.  If you don't, it may be a reflection of a lack of health."
  • Resting Heart Rate (RHR): "In most cases, the lower your heart rate, the more healthy and strong your heart is.  If you have a RHR that is lower than 70 beats per minute, you probably are athletic and/or exercise quite a bit.  RHRs that are higher than 80 beats per minute reflect a not so healthy heart that may benefit from some exercise."
Though these measurements help us determine where we stand health-wise, these aren't perfect. There are many other ways to measure health that your physician can advice you to do. But the few listed here can give you a general overview of you health. Stay young with ageloc but remember to take care of you health too.

Monday, August 9, 2010

45 Signs of Aging

Growing old is something often taken for granted until it reaches a point where in it refuses to be ignored. It is when its effects are felt and seen that action is taken. At this point some would be in denial of their age, refuse to celebrate birthdays, or keep their age a secret. But, age has a way of making itself known. The following is a list of 45 signs of aging, things to look out for as we grow older.

  1. Muscle mass decreases on the average about 7 lbs. per decade... this loss accelerates after age 45.. (muscle/weight/height Body Mass Index Increases)
  2. Fat increases as a percentage of body weight.
  3. Strength, energy and speed of the body decreases.
  4. Base Metabolic Rate (metabolism) decreases.
  5. Aerobic Capacity, the capacity to process oxygen, decreases. Red blood cells as a percentage of total blood volume (hematocrit) decreases until the average at age 90 is what is considered to be "anemia" at age 40.
  6. Body cells become resistant to insulin.
  7. LDL Cholesterol ("bad" cholesterol) and triglicerides increase, and HDL Cholesterol ("good" cholesterol) falls.
  8. Blood pressure increases.
  9. Bone mineral density decreases.
  10. Density of calcium in circulatory system increases.
  11. Kidney functions decrease.
  12. We lose neurons in our brain. This leads to Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Senile Dementia.
  13. The vagus nerve, the longest nerve in our body, deteriorates... and all the nervous system surely also deteriorates.
  14. Growth Hormone secretion drops.
  15. Testosterone in men, and estrogen and progesterone in women, drops.
  16. Sexual desire drops.
  17. Thyroid (a hormone which affects metabolism) drops.
  18. melatonine (a hormone which regulates the body clock) drops.
  19. DHEA (a hormone precursor to testosterone and estrogen) drops.
  20. EPO, (erythropoyetin, a hormone which stimulates the production of new red blood cells) drops.
  21. Estradiol, a female hormone, increases in men.
  22. Cortisol, "the Death Hormone," increases.
  23. Good enzymes (Super Oxidase Dimutase, etc.) drop.
  24. A bad enzyme, MAO-B increase in the brain. MAO-B destroys neurons that produce dopamine, which is a neuro-transmitter.
  25. Aromatase enzyme, a bad enzyme, increases. Aromatase converts testosterone to estrogen in men, which deprives him of libido.
  26. The thickness of skin decreases, resulting in more wrinkles.
  27. Prolactin, a female hormone, increases in the body of a male, presumably depriving him of some sexual libido.
  28. Water proportion in the body and in the skin, drops. This results (among other things) in dryer skin, and more wrinkles.
  29. Sense of hearing drops.
  30. Sense of taste drops... "everything tastes the same"
  31. Sense of vision, especially capacity to read small letters in low light, decreases.
  32. Hair falls and loses its color (it becomes white).
  33. The thymus gland, the master of the immune system, shrinks and atrophys, thus lessening our immune system.
  34. Our liver, brain, and other critical organs shrink in size, thus affecting their functions.
  35. Lipofuscine ("liver spots") accumulates in our hands and our brains. This snuffs out many neurons in our brain.
  36. The circulatory system deteriorates in length and width. We are born with a perfectly clean and beautifully flexible circulatory system reaching everywhere. But by the time we are 50 years old, if you would see a cross-section of your veins and arteries, and depending upon how much you have abused your body with sugar, fat foods, cigarrettes and alcohol etc, they are looking like a clogged up sewer. In addition to cholesterol, they are clogged up with calcium, and veins and arteries have lost flexibility. This causes blood to circulate more slowly, and so less food, water, and oxygen get to all parts of the body, including the brain. This is a root cause of the loss of brain cells, and organ and gland atrophy.
  37. The velocity of blood flow decreases.
  38. Inflammation increases in our body.
  39. "Deep sleep" becomes more scarce and less profound.
  40. Digestion becomes slower and less complete.
  41. The retina of the eye becomes thinner, in many cases detaching.
  42. The macula of the eye loses some of its shape after age 40, and causes distorted vision.
  43. Micro-vessels in the eye pop, covering the retina, causing partial loss of vision, or complete blindness.
  44. Night-vision decreases.
  45. Melanocytes continually release small amounts of the brown- black pigment called melanin into the skin. Exposure to sunlight signals the melanocytes to produce more melanin. Melanin determines our normal skin color and attempts to protect our skin from severe sun damage. As we age, our melanocytes begin to function less effectively. The density of active melanocytes in the skin is reduced by 10% to 20% every 10 years, starting in our late 30's and 40's. Melanocytes are also responsible for hair color, so their loss explains why 50% of people are gray by age 50.

Visit this link for more information about the signs of aging and this we can do to fight against them.

According to the author who wrote about the signs of aging there is a 46th sign of aging which would be, losing a sense of humor. So try to stay happy as much as a you can, this probably is the best anti-aging therapy you can give to yourself.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Growing Old is a Thing of the Past

Recently I've a lot of people guessing how old I am. It's no problem for me if they guess it wrong as long as its younger than my real age. I guess it just one of those "perks" that come with age. People say you can't stop time, and that's really true. Somehow I wish I could stay like this for as long as I live - in the prime of my life. But I guess that's just wishful thinking, there's no such thing as a fountain of youth. At least that's what I used to believe.
Recently a friend of mine told me of a new discovery in the field of genetics, a technology so great that it can stop aging. I thought to myself "yeah, right" even if there were such technology it would cost millions of dollars and even if it were commercially available it probably would not be available in the Philippines. But much to my surprise it wasn't any of those. In fact it was so affordable it was changing lives everywhere, and it was soon to be available in the Philippines.
When the new line of products arrived containing the new technology I was so amazed, the products had quite an appeal as the effects could be seen almost instantly. Not only would ageloc technology make you feel younger or look younger, but it would actually make you young, coupled with the galvanic spa device from NU Skin, its a twice more amazing.
I was a skeptic at first and now I'm a believer, as some would put it "to see is to believe" - with NU Skin's ageloc technology I have seen its effects and how it works. I indeed truly believe. Now growing old is a thing of the past, as the new trend would now be growing young, all that thanks to ageloc and NU Skin

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Big Event: July 10

Something big is about to happen here in the Philippines this coming July 10.
Brace yourselves for the launching of a new line of products from NU Skin.

The fountain of youth, the age buster, the technology we've all been waiting for is coming: AGELOC.
Finally we can be younger longer. We can kiss old age goodbye and say hello to youth once again. We can set aside the worry of how we'd look when we are older because now we can be young and stay young.
This exclusive technology developed by NU Skin is sure to change the way we see cosmetic anti-aging products. Ageloc technology will not just cover-up the signs of aging but fight aging from its source: our genes.
We can say goodbye to expensive surgery, face lifts, and all other things we do to keep us looking young. With ageloc technology not only will we look young or stay young, but we'll also be young from within.

To know more about ageloc or how you can take advantage of these products send me an email at:

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Galvanic Spa: More than just facials

When I first came across the galvanic spa, I thought to myself, "oh well its another of those ladies' beautification devices - nope not interested." As most guys aren't as concerned about their looks as the ladies are, I just shrugged this off as another of those parlor things. That was until I heard the product orientation.
It seems that NU Skin's galvanic spa is more than just a facial tool but also a multi-purpose wellness tool.

The following are a list of uses of the galvanic spa (this list is not comprehensive there may be other uses of the galvanic spa not mentioned here):

  • Wrinkle remover
  • "Smile lines" remover
  • Hair regrower
  • Body shaping
  • Varicose veins remover
  • Cellulite remover
  • Strechmarks remover
  • Help with backpains (as some have reported)
Going to a spa or a facial salon for all the above mentioned services could cost you a fortune but with the Galvanic Spa you could actually save a lot and with the new ageloc technology you can save even more. Truly a wonder machine. So I guess this isn't just for the girls we guys can use it too.

NU Skin's Body Shaping Gel: The difference demonstrated

Tired of those exercise machines that show on TV, showing you how you can shape up your body, build up your muscles by using their devices. Nothing wrong with that though. But if you want faster results with lesser effort you can try NU Skin's Body Shaping Gel. This gel is used exclusively with the Galvanic Spa and can produce results in minutes, not days, not weeks but minutes. You can take measurements of yourself before and after each session to see the difference yourself. 
This at-home spa treatment works by concentrating cellular energy to target pockets of fat and toxins for a more toned, firm appearance. Featuring proven ingredients, theobromine and golden chamomile, this advanced treatment helps decrease fat storage and activate fat breakdown, promoting a firmer, more toned appearance. Together with ageloc technology this product will not only tone the body but also fight aging.This product contains the following main ingredients:
  • Theobromine (Theobroma cacao (cocoa) extract): Theobroma Cacao (Cocoa) Extract is rich in theobromine. This molecule has been shown to inhibit a certain enzyme in fat cells. Inhibition of this enzyme activates fat breakdown, leading to a slimmer, smoother appearance.
  • Golden Chamomile (Chrysanthellum indicum extract): Chrysanthellum Indicum Extract, a wild daisy native to South America, but now found extensively in the East Indies and Africa, is rich in flavonoids (a class of antioxidants). This extract has free-radical scavenging activity, which gives it a calming effect for the skin. In-vitro testing indicates this blocks the receptors that tell cells to store fat. By blocking these receptors the ability of the cell to store fat is also blocked allowing fat breakdown, or lipolysis, to occur.

Need to know more?
Click here for product info page.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Galvanic Spa II: Instant Results, Lasting Effect

Gone are the days when we were sold those supplements with a promise of change that could happen in a few days, weeks, months or even longer. With the NU Skin Galvanic Spa II coupled with ageloc technology you can see the difference in minutes. 
With the cost of skin care and cosmetic surgery rising higher and higher each year, this gadget is a must for all those who want to look and feel good in a matter of minutes.
Plus the great thing about the Galvanic Spa is that it not only revitalizes your face but it can also work for body shaping and hair regeneration.

See the difference yourself:

Need to know more?
Click here for product info page.

Ageloc in Simple Terms

Let's face it, no matter how astounding the words "genetic science", "arSuperMarkers," or "youth gene clusters" may sound we're not all scientists. Most of us are just your normal everyday people who don't understand all those scientific jargon. So what does ageloc mean for us? Simply put, ageloc will keep us from growing old. It will help make us not only look younger but also make us feel younger. With ageloc you won't need to cover up your age with all those make-up, instead you would be able to hide your age naturally and almost no one will ever know how old you really are. Now isn't that just amazing.
For so long people have been searching for a so called fountain of youth, though it was just a legend, people scour the malls and cosmetic shops for products that may prolong health and youthfulness. But thanks to the discoveries of modern science and the efforts of NU Skin, the search is over, the technology is available - the new era of ageloc has now begun.

Friday, July 2, 2010

What is Ageloc technology?

Ageloc is an anti-aging technology developed by NU Skin in partnership other leading scientists. It was a technology that was specifically designed to do what other anti-aging technologies could not - and that is to fight aging at its source. While other anti-aging products are geared toward removing the signs of aging, products that contain ageloc technology not only remove the signs of aging but also deal with aging at its source.
Ageloc science is based on the discovery of internal sources of aging that contribute to an aging appearance, what Nu Skin calls age-related super markers, or arSuperMarkers. Nu Skin’s exclusive ageloc science targets these arSuperMarkers—the ultimate sources of aging that can influence how we age. Based on this discovery, Nu Skin is able to identify critical arSuperMarkers called Youth Gene Clusters, which are functional groups of genes that regulate how we appear to age. Only ageloc’s proprietary science understands how to reset these Youth Gene Clusters to their youthful patterns of activity. This revolutionary discovery is based upon Nu Skin’s exclusive collaborations with leading scientists around the globe, millions of dollars in development, and years of combined anti-aging and genetic research.