Sunday, July 4, 2010

NU Skin's Body Shaping Gel: The difference demonstrated

Tired of those exercise machines that show on TV, showing you how you can shape up your body, build up your muscles by using their devices. Nothing wrong with that though. But if you want faster results with lesser effort you can try NU Skin's Body Shaping Gel. This gel is used exclusively with the Galvanic Spa and can produce results in minutes, not days, not weeks but minutes. You can take measurements of yourself before and after each session to see the difference yourself. 
This at-home spa treatment works by concentrating cellular energy to target pockets of fat and toxins for a more toned, firm appearance. Featuring proven ingredients, theobromine and golden chamomile, this advanced treatment helps decrease fat storage and activate fat breakdown, promoting a firmer, more toned appearance. Together with ageloc technology this product will not only tone the body but also fight aging.This product contains the following main ingredients:
  • Theobromine (Theobroma cacao (cocoa) extract): Theobroma Cacao (Cocoa) Extract is rich in theobromine. This molecule has been shown to inhibit a certain enzyme in fat cells. Inhibition of this enzyme activates fat breakdown, leading to a slimmer, smoother appearance.
  • Golden Chamomile (Chrysanthellum indicum extract): Chrysanthellum Indicum Extract, a wild daisy native to South America, but now found extensively in the East Indies and Africa, is rich in flavonoids (a class of antioxidants). This extract has free-radical scavenging activity, which gives it a calming effect for the skin. In-vitro testing indicates this blocks the receptors that tell cells to store fat. By blocking these receptors the ability of the cell to store fat is also blocked allowing fat breakdown, or lipolysis, to occur.

Need to know more?
Click here for product info page.

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