Sunday, July 4, 2010

Galvanic Spa: More than just facials

When I first came across the galvanic spa, I thought to myself, "oh well its another of those ladies' beautification devices - nope not interested." As most guys aren't as concerned about their looks as the ladies are, I just shrugged this off as another of those parlor things. That was until I heard the product orientation.
It seems that NU Skin's galvanic spa is more than just a facial tool but also a multi-purpose wellness tool.

The following are a list of uses of the galvanic spa (this list is not comprehensive there may be other uses of the galvanic spa not mentioned here):

  • Wrinkle remover
  • "Smile lines" remover
  • Hair regrower
  • Body shaping
  • Varicose veins remover
  • Cellulite remover
  • Strechmarks remover
  • Help with backpains (as some have reported)
Going to a spa or a facial salon for all the above mentioned services could cost you a fortune but with the Galvanic Spa you could actually save a lot and with the new ageloc technology you can save even more. Truly a wonder machine. So I guess this isn't just for the girls we guys can use it too.

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